Bradford Cover
Actor Director Producer

Bradford Cover has worked in show business for his entire career. He has had a variety of successful performances as an actor: His appearances on Law and Order, The Good Wife, and other TV shows, as well as working on Broadway with Tom Selleck -- Helping develop new plays at The Lark Theatre -- Various regional work -- Working with David Ives and John Rando on a new play -- And his classical work with the Pearl Theatre Co. Bradford is also the Artistic Director of The Resident Acting Co located in New York City. Check here for updates on his current projects, as well pictures of past productions.
Bradford is a native New Yorker and the son of actor, Franklin Cover. Franklin's career spanned Regional Theatre, Off Broadway, Broadway, Television and Film. Franklin is best known for his role of Tom Willis on The Jeffersons.
Franklin Cover in the Broadway Revival of Garson Kanin’s Born Yesterday - 1989
Artistic Director
The Resident Acting Company